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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Chi Liung Roundabout stalls (Klang)

Well, nothing beats having one of Klang's famous dessert on a heaty Sunday noon. 

Ice Kacang, Cendol, ABC.. You name it!

Moving Rojak/ Cendol stall 

Not too sweet, just perfect for a sweet tooth like me 

Cendol Biasa

Other than just cendol, on the left there's also a Malay stall selling all sorts of 'kuih-muih', pisang goreng, keropok lekor, cucur udang & noodle dishes like mee jawa & etc.

Keropok lekor
Eat them while they're still warm, it turns rather hard when it's cold. 

Pisang Goreng
Despite of the colour that looks over fried, I love the fact that it doesn't have way too much of flour on it. You can clearly see the banana there.

Mee Jawa
Tasted so-so. Lack of something, and I wished it was served with limau

Drop by Chi Liung roundabout stalls when you're craving for some cold desserts or hot snacks.

There's also lorry selling Coconut drink and Sugarcane juice, Even fruit sellers. 

Most of the stalls operates only until 5pm


  1. Are there any landmark? 'll have to use waze to get there.

    1. How about Panmour or Fruity Taman Chi Liung Klang. It's a roadside stall, once you get to the roundabout, you can spot it already, few mobile trucks that sell sugar cane or coconut drinks and a Malay stall that sells keropok, goreng pisang & etc. :) hope it helps
