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Monday, October 7, 2013


Bleached! Never thought I have the guts to do that! :/ But... I DID!

I've been thinking of doing a huge make-over on my hair. I had my haircut & now I want to try dip dye on my very black hair. I never want to bleach my hair because I'm afraid that it'll damage the tip of my hair badly. 
And I never want to go to the hair-salon to do it as they charge very expensive. And you know me.. Budget, budget, BUDGET! Haha.

I even did plenty of researches, looking for reviews & tutorials on how to do it. (Clearly all you need to do just read the instructions on/in the box of the product.) 

So I grabbed a box of Gatsby Ex Hi-Bleach (Clear Blond) from Watsons for RM21.15. Or you can get it from any drugstores.
1 pair of glove, 1 packet of bleach Powder, 1 bottle of liquid Water, 1 Cream tube

For clearer instrucstions, refer to the 'Gatsby' website as below.

Actually the pictorial on the instruction paper isn't complicating. They just make your life much easier. (LOL what did I just crapped about!)

I sectioned my hair into half. To only bleach the inner back part of my hair.

Process: Wrap with aluminium foil/ Platic wrap/ Just leave it

First wash after 3O mins. Hair color turned light brown.

2nd wash & Finished look!

Tips: I actually blew my hair which wrapped with aluminium foils with a hair dryer. As the heat will fasten up the process and on top of that makes your hair color turns lighter & brighter. Do it under room temperature or hotter.

Not sure if I'm Brunette, Ginger or Blonde :/

Oh well, I actually bought my L'oreal Excellence Fashion P66 Intense Spicy Red for my dip dye/ombré.
But I kinda like the shades of my hair color now. Hehe.

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